The Complete Online Guide to Knifemaking, SCRIBED CENTER LINES


Before we get into grinding bevels, it’s important to mark the center line on the edge of the blade. Even better would be to scribe two lines called railroad tracks that parallel the center of the blade. Many manufacturers make scribing tools designed for this purpose. Use a permanent marker or Dykem blue to darken the edge. Once dry, set the correct height on the scribing tool and scratch your reference lines. Using Dykem blue is a little better because the Dykem holds up to the frequent quenching dunks while grinding the blades bevels. It’s these scribed lines that you will use as a visual reference when grinding the bevels. As a general reference the distance between the railroad tracks should be about the thickness of a US dime.

Before we get into grinding bevels, it’s important to mark the center line on the edge of the blade. Even better would be to scribe two  



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